About Us

Be the light for someone today...

It all started from a desire to share our passion for wellness and healing with those around us. Candles are the perfect vessel; soothing in sight and fragrance, they can both enchant the mind and calm the senses. 

Each of our candles is hand-poured from our home in Colorado. Crafted with care, these elegant creations radiate a gentle light that fills any space with joy and comfort. We use a blend of high quality soy wax to ensure a long burn time with a proper throw. The scents are uniquely curated and have their foundations in natural fragrances and spices. To round out the natural feel, we've capped our candles with rustic wooden lids. Our logo features a beautiful little songbird; a "Drossel" in German.

We both work in healthcare, and know first hand how chaotic life can be. For us, there is little more relaxing than a quiet night at home with good company and a classic candle. So please enjoy, and indulge in the serenity and tranquil atmosphere our candles provide, allowing yourself to unwind and revel in pure relaxation.

- Patrick & Megan